domingo, 7 de septiembre de 2008

Our partnership

UNITED KINGDOM "Cynerians Cymru" Swansea - Wales - UK
Contact Person: Conrad Watkins -

Cyrenians Cymru works with some of the most disadvantaged adult learners in Wales, UK. Many have experienced social exclusion as a result of homelessness or breakdown of family networks.


SPAIN (Coordinator Country) "Cultural Association Falla of Tuéjar" Tuéjar - Valencia - Spain
Contact Person: Pepe Sanía -

Falla of Tuéjar: We are in a rural area. Our village has 1400 inhabitant. Our association has 300 people, all age. We encourages participation of disadvantaged groups; older learners, specific need learners, migrants and learners at risk of social exclusion.


DENMARK "OF-2 (Educational Association 2002)" Gistrup - North Jutland - Denmark
Contact Person: Karin Slot -

OF-2 works with all groups in our surrounding area south east of Aalborg- an area with 13.000 inhabitants. Our participant is compound of: disadvantaged, few migrants, few young, many elderly and no special group learners.


TURKEY "Bornova Izmir Vocational Education Center" Izmir - Ege - Turkey
Contact Person: Omer Edip Ocakoglu -

Bornova Izmir Vocational Education Center: We are Vocational Education Center in Izmir , which is established in 1986 by National Education Ministry for providing education and training to apprentices, master-builders and masters.İzmir is the third biggest city in Turkey, Education and training programs are being followed in 113 profession fields. Our center has got 7000 students, 4700 of them are our registered students and the rest of them are the other people following. Number of teachers in our center are 85. At the same time our Center is an examination center for professions to have certificate of apprenticeship and master. We are pilot institution covered by SVET (Strengthen Vocational Education Training) which is supported European Union.

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