lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2008
Confirmation of visitors needed
As part of the visit we wish to prepare certificates of attendence for all those who participate in our visit and therefore need all the names of those visiting us here in Wales. I've recieved names from Denmark so many thanks for that please could I have confirmation of everyone attending from Turkey and Spain.
many thanks
Lisa Llewellyn
Deputy Manager
Dragon Arts and Learning
lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2008
viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2008
I spoke to Karin at length on the phone yesterday and it is lovely to feel like I am getting to know you all!
Karin has reminded me of a suggestion which has also been made by the UK National Agency which is that Wales produce "Certificates of Attendance" for all of you when you visit us. This will serve as proof of the mobilities taking place. Can you, then, let us know the names of each visitor who is coming to Wales so that we can prepare these certificates in advance.
Thank you everyone,
have a nice weekend
jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2008
Your projects!!
Please visit these web pages for more information about Dragon Arts and Learning Centre, and our organisation Cyrenians Cymru.
Looking forward to meeting you all!!!!!
Polly Stone.
Hotel bookings in Wales
We have now booked your hotels in Wales. I can confirm that the arrangements are as follows:
Denmark - arrive 2nd November, depart 7th November.
3 x twin/double rooms (late check in arranged)
Spain - arrive 3rd November, depart 7th November.
2 x twin/double rooms
1 x single
Turkey - arrive 3rd November, depart 7th November
1 x twin/double room
1 x single
Cyrenians have paid for the hotel for you all - you will see this is £60 per room, per night. This includes breakfast each day. It is up to us all as partners to agree whether you all reimburse us for the hotel OR we pay on this occasion and each host country does the same. I do not know whether this is something you have all discussed previously?
Please use the blog to let us know if you have any queries about your visit to Wales.
Would you like us to post details of the programme of events here in Wales?
domingo, 7 de septiembre de 2008
Grundtvig: It’s always a good time to learn
A range of trans-national mobility activities within the Lifelong Learning Programme off ers pupils, students, trainees, adults, professionals, professors and teachers a unique chance to obtain education, training and work experience in a foreign country. Thus, they acquire new expertise and professional skills and in addition
develop their capacities to adapt to new environments. Mobility activities are supported in all of the four sectoral programmes of the Lifelong Learning Programme, i. e. Comenius, Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci and Grundtvig.
Grundtvig is a prime example of how Europe creates opportunities for its citizens. Teachers, trainers, tutors and other staff of working with adult education move to other countries and come back with a bag full of experience. Apart from knowledge in new subjects or in teaching matters, in better organisational skills and in intercultural understanding, they acquire an improved command of other languages
and deeper insight into the host countries.
One of the key eff ects of the mobility actions is the mutual understanding and trust they create among the education and training systems of the countries participating in the LLP, which helps to improve education structures and supports cooperation for a European Area of Education and Training.
In order to ensure quality, the European Commission has established a European Quality Charter for Mobility, which provides recommendations to organisations responsible for mobility. The exchange lifespan includes preparatory measures, implementation and follow-up – three stages that must be considered as a whole for a project of quality.
I am pleased to present the outstanding projects and courses included in this brochure to demonstrate the potential and positive eff ects of mobility of staff working on the adult learning sector. These examples of good practices at European level can provide inspiration to potential project coordinators and course developers in mobility actions. They should encourage European citizens to seize the opportunities that mobility in Europe has to off er to improve knowledge and skills, enlarge horizons and meet new friends and colleagues throughout Europe.
Why the name "Grundtvig"?
Why the name "Grundtvig"?
Nikolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig (1783–1872), a Danish clergyman and writer, is regarded as the founder of the Nordic tradition of "learning for life". His "folk high school" concept was based on the idea that education must be available to all citizens throughout life and should encompass not only knowledge but also civic responsibility and personal and cultural development.
It is always a good time to learn! – The Grundtvig Programme
An eff ective Europe-wide system for lifelong learning is central to achieving the European Union’s ambitious policy objective of raising economic growth and competitiveness while nonetheless strengthening social inclusion. Adult education has a vital role to play in this regard – in raising the level of knowledge, skills and competences among the adult population, in providing a crucial second chance for the large number of adults who leave school early, and in helping to address the societal challenge of Europe’s ageing population.
Recognising these needs, the European Commission has launched a new policy initiative – the Action Plan for Adult Learning – designed to boost the attractiveness and accessibility of adult learning opportunities, improve the quality of adult education provision, implement systems for recognising the outcomes of non-formal and informal learning, and improve the monitoring of the adult education sector.
The Grundtvig Programme for adult learning has both contributed strongly to the development of these initiatives and is a key instrument for their further development and implementation. It provides the vital bridge between policy and practice, enabling adult educators in over 30 countries to work together on developing innovative approaches, giving local providers the chance to link up with partners abroad to develop joint cooperative initiatives, and opening up a wide range of opportunities for adult education staff and learners to cross national borders in search of new opportunities for training and knowledge.
Launched in 2000 in the framework of the Socrates II Programme, Grundtvig covers all levels and sectors of adult education and all forms of learning: formal, non-formal and informal. It is open to all sectors of the adult population, but gives special attention to those with particular needs: people lacking basic education and qualifi cations, people living in rural or disadvantaged areas, people who are disadvantaged for socio-economic reasons, people with disabilities or severe learning problems, and social groups which are "hard to reach" and which do not generally tend to take part in educational initiatives. With the adoption of the Lifelong Learning Programme in 2007, Grundtvig has also been given the strategic objective of responding to the educational challenge of an ageing population in Europe.
In the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme, Grundtvig con tinues to support several actions:
• Individual mobility to further the professional development of trainers/teachers and other staff in adult education
• Multilateral Projects and Networks in the fi eld of adult education
• Learning Partnerships between adult education institutions from diff erent European countries.
Our partnership
UNITED KINGDOM "Cynerians Cymru" Swansea - Wales - UK
Contact Person: Conrad Watkins -
Cyrenians Cymru works with some of the most disadvantaged adult learners in Wales, UK. Many have experienced social exclusion as a result of homelessness or breakdown of family networks.
SPAIN (Coordinator Country) "Cultural Association Falla of Tuéjar" Tuéjar - Valencia - SpainContact Person: Pepe Sanía -
Falla of Tuéjar: We are in a rural area. Our village has 1400 inhabitant. Our association has 300 people, all age. We encourages participation of disadvantaged groups; older learners, specific need learners, migrants and learners at risk of social exclusion.
DENMARK "OF-2 (Educational Association 2002)" Gistrup - North Jutland - DenmarkContact Person: Karin Slot -
OF-2 works with all groups in our surrounding area south east of Aalborg- an area with 13.000 inhabitants. Our participant is compound of: disadvantaged, few migrants, few young, many elderly and no special group learners.
TURKEY "Bornova Izmir Vocational Education Center" Izmir - Ege - TurkeyContact Person: Omer Edip Ocakoglu -
Bornova Izmir Vocational Education Center: We are Vocational Education Center in Izmir , which is established in 1986 by National Education Ministry for providing education and training to apprentices, master-builders and masters.İzmir is the third biggest city in Turkey, Education and training programs are being followed in 113 profession fields. Our center has got 7000 students, 4700 of them are our registered students and the rest of them are the other people following. Number of teachers in our center are 85. At the same time our Center is an examination center for professions to have certificate of apprenticeship and master. We are pilot institution covered by SVET (Strengthen Vocational Education Training) which is supported European Union.
Our project
Our project raises an exchange of experiences in order to introduce adult learners to the different ways in wich fire is used to celebrate events in our countries. We regard these fire rituals like a common cultural point, spreaded all over european folklore.
In these events people plays tradicional music and dances, cooks typical food, and these celebrations are usually rooted in the popular traditions and customs of our countries.
We regard the carrying out of this project like a transvere subject to work all kind of cultural and educatives activities, always from a point of view artistic and creative.
Creative work will include crafts, making figures, photography and film, and the cultural activities will involve adult learners in local food and ways of life of the participating countries.
We raise the exchange visits with our learners like a great oportunity to discover other countries, other lenguages, other customs and other cultures… but the most important: the best oportunity to meet other people and discover that diversity is our great treasure and union our great power.
To respect this diversity and discover our common past, present and future is for us the real beginning of the intercultural dialogue.
All the partners of this partnership believe in our project and design this grundtvig action like the first step… we hope to add more countries in future, and develop an association of organizations across europe, leading to expansion of the exchange programmee: "EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF FIRE CELEBRATIONS".

"Cyrenians Cymru will work towards the project by establishing a working group, including teachers and learners, to plan for the activities and events in the partnership. In the period and immediately before the host event, our arts and learning centre will be solely dedicated to this event and the activities involved, so that learners can gain the maximum benefit from the partnership." CYRENIANS CYMRU (WALES/UK)
This Grundtvig partnership gives our association a new dimension. It's a very good oportunity for us to develope our work with an european vision. At this moment, we are coordinating all our activities in order to develope this project. CULTURAL ASSOCIATION "FALLA OF TUÉJAR" (SPAIN)
"OF-2, Denmark has establishing a working group of learners and staff. The group are open for new participant who wants to join and work with the preparation and follow up of the visits to the partners. They will take turn to join the travelling group. The whole group will jointly be involved and take active part in preparation and during the 5 days visit of our partners, when Denmark is hostcountry.
The working group will during the projects 2 years, will seek information and try to understand the partners country, their culture, their language both local and national. Besides the group will have to prepare, how they will present Denmark and Danish culture, and show our way to be creative at our traditionally bonfire. All of this will be done, in a way so even if the participants don’t speak the same language they will understand about, country, culture and traditions." OF-2 (DENMARK)
"This project will not only provide us to gain insight of understanding of intercultural dialogue but also give us an opportunity to know the systems and implementations of adult education in different countries. We will be able to take good examples to implement in our adult education system. Besides this, as a candidate of EU membership, it is very important to know certificate system of our partners for professions implemented in adult education to apply to our system." BORNOVA IZMIR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION CENTER (IZMIR/TURKEY)